Refund Policy

Refund Policy For Students

As a registered private career college in Ontario, Liaison College – Brampton adheres to the statutes and laws prescribed under the Private Career Colleges Act, 2005.

Students, domestic and international, who choose to discontinue their enrolment with Liaison College – Brampton are entitled to a full refund based on the definitions and statutes prescribed within Ontario Regulation 415/06 Sections 25 to 33, within the prescribed timeframes outlined in Ontario Regulation 415/06 Sections 25 and 26. 

Additional information regarding tuition refunds can be found in the following document – Private Career College Students’ Rights and Responsibilities at 

International Students are encouraged to send their tuition fee payment directly to the college and not through a third-party account because all refund requests are returned to the account that the payment was originally sent from. 

Students who have enrolled in a program and have started attending classes may request a refund. Please be advised that all refund requests made after the classes have commenced would be considered based on the portion of course studies and the lapse of time that has passed since the classes began. Some requests may be honored with a partial refund, or a deduction on a pro-rata basis of the portion of course attended in comparison to the amount of the respective fees for the program may be issued.

The amount refunded against a refund request to Liaison College Brampton is subject to the following factors, albeit not limited to the following factors:

  • Program selected
  • A portion of the tuition fee paid
  • Time elapsed since the classes commenced
  • Total fees of the program
  • Equipment issued during program delivery

Note: We understand that circumstances may arise when a student would need to request a refund from the college. It is advised to all students to get in touch with an Admissions Representative or a Student Support Adviser when they need to make a refund request.

For any queries related to what is stated on this page, please reach out to the Administrative Team at Liaison College Brampton.

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